4.7 / 5 on Trustpilot

Product details


- Mål: 40 cm (B) x 35 cm (D) x 0,6 cm (H).
- Vægt: 6,4 kg
- Materiale: Højkvalitets carbonstål.
- Finish: For-krydret med en tynd oliebelægning efter tilberedning.

Care Instruction

- Før første brug skal stålpladen tørres af med en tør klud.
- Påfør et tyndt lag madolie jævnt over stålpladen.
- Bag ved 200°C i 30 minutter for at skabe en beskyttende belægning.
- Rengør med en tør eller fugtig klud efter brug; undgå at lægge i blød i vand.

Safety Notes

- Brug varmebestandige handsker.


Why is this product so expensive in shipping cost?

- As we're dealing with baking steel it's unfortunately very heavy. The weight for this product is 6.5 KG! That's a lot. And therefore, the price is a lot more compared to sending an average e-commerce order. We hope you want to purchase despite the cost 🫶🏽

More than 18.000 happy customers

We're proud to have more than 18,000 happy customers at Simpel Sourdough since the beginning of 2019. A big heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you.